Rohan Hande
How do we get dressed? What often seems like a process conducted on auto-pilot through the scarce minutes of the morning hours, is in fact a deeply intimate experience. The way we cuff our sleeves, decide our level of modesty along the latitude of buttonholes – it’s the mental math that we often overlook. Mirroring this intersection of chaos, movement and fluidity is mixed media artist and photographer’s work dating back to our S/S 2020 campaign. “Making collages relies solely on found materials and to me fashion is the perfect discipline for this medium. I always look for silhouettes before I can start cutting, followed by the flow of the fabric in the photographs. The concept entailed showing multiple outfits within a limited space.” The artist injects a human element to the collages, where the lines between object and body blur – a cacophony of limbs, pleats and patterns, creating a curiously relatable level of surrealism. “By hiding facial features in the collages, I like to subvert the boundaries of identity, making the clothes accessible. This juxtaposition of elements through mediums of design, photography and collage signals new possibilities.”
